Did you know that the Cancer Act 1939 is still in force with regards to advertising? Section 4(1) of the Act prohibits the publication of any advertisement: “(a) containing an offer to treat any person for cancer, or to prescribe any remedy therefor, or to give any advice in connection with the treatment thereof”.
So, if your website, leaflet, or any advertisement suggests that you are treating someone with cancer or suspected to have cancer, then you could be breaking the law. It is best to not even use the term cancer or make it explicit that as a complementary therapist, that your therapy may only aid in their symptoms.
This law also applies to speaking about cancer, as this may constitute an advertisement in the eyes of the law. So, be careful.
As a GP of many years, claims that complementary therapies can treat cancer or be used as alternatives are very worrying to doctors, and give complementary therapists a bad name they often do not deserve.
So, in future be careful and take guidance when thinking about mentioning cancer in any of your advertisements or claims, as you could be breaking the law. Be truthful and let people you speak to, especially health professionals like doctors or nurses, that your treatment is not an alternative and that you do not, or would never indicate that you treated cancer and show awareness of this law.
As people get to know you for the professional therapist that you are, imagine where it could take you in terms of referrals, recommendations, and your career.
Dr Toh Wong is a Medical Doctor, GP Principal in Devon, and GP Trainer, as well as the Co-founder of Neurolinguistic Healthcare Ltd who organise the annual Integrative Health Convention. He passionately believes in the integration of Conventional and Complementary Therapies to aid in health and healing.